BTEC Higher National Diploma HND (Level 5)

Are you considering higher education but unsure of which route to take? If so, keep reading for a point in the right direction. We hope to help you on your way to making the right decision for you and your future. You may want to continue education but you’re not sure that university is quite what you fancy or it may be that you wish to continue education but aren’t sure how it would fit around your existing commitments. If this is the case, you may wish to consider a BTEC HND. Have a read below for more information.

What Is a BTEC HND?

Just in case you’re wondering, HND stands for Higher National Diploma. It is a practical vocational course usually offered by colleges and some universities.

HNDs are typically offered in more practical subjects rather than the traditional academic subjects. For example, subjects commonly offered for a HND include tourism and hospitality, business management, computing, and health and social care as opposed to subjects such as maths and science.

Benefits of a HND

The main benefit of a HND is that it gives students real life work experience. In fact, some modules are based on that real life experience and that is where the credit is achieved for that module. This experience is invaluable when it comes to applying for jobs as the experience and learning gained from working will give you more to draw upon in both applications and interviews.

Another benefit is the fact that a HND is shorter in nature than a degree so you will be able to complete it quicker. This means you will have a recognised qualification a year quicker than a degree and be able to apply for jobs faster. Put it simply, and you can earn money sooner! It also offers the flexibility to maintain a job or family life whilst studying.

Overall, a HND gives you options. Once completed, you will have the specific skills necessary to pursue a career in your chosen area but you will also have a flavour of further education study. This means you can top your HND up by completing either a year in some cases or two years in others and get a fully fledged degree or join the world of work. Essentially, by studying a HND you get the best of both worlds.